
Iwantedtocopyonefilenamed'file.txt'toadirectorynamed'folder'andallitssub-directorieswithoutmentioningallthedirectoriesinthecommand.,TheonlybashcommandthatIknowwhichcancopy/savetomultipledestinationsistee.Youcanuseitinyourcaseasfollows:,Iwanttocopyafile“C:-User-user-TIS.pdf”tomultipledirectories.ThecmdthatIthoughtwouldworkis:“copyC:-User-user-TIS.pdfC:-User-user-test**-test ...,Ihave*.txtinfile...

How does one properly copy a file into multiple folders ...

I wanted to copy one file named 'file.txt' to a directory named 'folder' and all its sub-directories without mentioning all the directories in the command.

How to copy a file to multiple folders using the command line?

The only bash command that I know which can copy/save to multiple destinations is tee. You can use it in your case as follows:

I want to copy a file to multiple directories using cmd prompt

I want to copy a file “C:-User-user-TIS.pdf” to multiple directories. The cmd that I thought would work is: “copy C:-User-user-TIS.pdf C:-User-user-test**-test ...

Copy one file to multiple folder with variable path

I have *.txt in files in current directory and I like to copy it to multiple folder as listed below. How do I put any loop logic and copy to ...

CMD - Copy files from multiple folders to one folder

I need copy lot of *.txt file from multiple folders to one. I try use for exp.: xcopy D:-Dokumenty-*.txt D:-final /sy But this make 1:1 copy of folder.

cmd Copy command to multiple folders

I want to copy a file from one folder to another folder which has many sub-folders. Using command line. How can I copy this file to all sub-folders.

Windows Batch commands to copy file to multiple subdirectories

I have 2 files file1.txt and file2.txt that I want to copy into a folder structure like this parentfolder subfolder1 destinationfolder subfolder2 ...

How do you copy a file into multiple folders?

To copy multiple files using the cp command pass the names of files followed by the destination directory to the cp command. tree -F .├── bar.

How to copy a file to multiple folders on Windows 10

... file on to every single folder you want to copy the file (or folder) to. More info at ...